Get Ready For The 2024 Season!

Finaly! The days are getting longer and warmer. The flowers are blooming. The bikes are cleaned and oiled. We are starting on April 1st! Check out this video and get a climpse of what to expect on our tours!

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Wishing a happy new year 2024

Happy 2024!

May the new year bring you closer to your dreams and aspirations. Whishing you a year of prosperity and happiness filled with adventures and new experiences and a lot of cycling. Many thanks to everyone we met in 2023 and who made the year so enjoyable for us. We hope […]

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Wine tasting Therese and Mark

Check out this video

Fantastic video from Therese and Mark. Beautiful day out in the mountains, cycling through a charming village and enjoying amazing wines. All our tours are fantastic, easy cycling and offer lots of fun. Thanks Therese and Mark for sharing this video.

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cycling through Riudecanyes

Impressions from the Tour d’Oli

Everybody so far liked our newest tour, the Tour d’Oli, and we are so happy about it. It is a fantastic way not only to enjoy easy cycling in the cool mountains but also learn about the award winning olive oil and above all to taste it! And to round […]

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finish of our first half day tour in Mont Roig

First Tour 2023!

Finally we are on the road again! What a great feeling and what a great group who joined us on Wednesday. Perfect weather, maybe a bit chilly in the beginning, excellent riders and a lot of fun. The season couldn’t have started any better. We hope we have lots of […]

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Blooming allmonds fill the air with a sweet scent

Spring is in the air!

  Finally, the temperatures are over 20° C, the almonds and many flowers are blooming. Everywhere you here the birds, the parrots seem to be especially happy and the air is filled with sweet scent of the almond blossoms. The bars have their tables outside and everybody is eager to […]

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everybody! We hope you had a good time during the holidays and a great start into 2023! We wish you for the new year lots of plans and the time and health to make them all true. We are also planing a lot. A new tour […]

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End of our Season

            Our last tour of 2022 We can hardly believe it ourselves and are there with a laughing and a crying eye. And hopefully next year our big and small guests will also be cheerful, cheeky and full of desire to discover the real Catalonia […]

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What an inspiration

In July we had a very special rider: Shevonne has only 40 % eye sight, legally blind. She wanted to do our Halfday tour guided by her boyfriend. It was quite a surprising for us to see Shevonne with her blind stick at the pickup point. When she asked us […]

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Meet the owners

Hello, we are Kathrin & Manfred, originally from Germany, Kathrin from Berlin and Manfred from Munich, we are great fans of the outdoors, the mountains and the sea, love cycling and hiking and playing padel. We decided to come here because this part of Catalunya allows us (and you) to […]

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